Sunday, April 19, 2009

我的美食经历 My Gastronomic Adventure

带了两个月多的时间,在北京也算吃惯了它们的食物。对吃过的而留下影响深刻的食物也不少。 我在以下内容就简单的 - 非喜好次序的 - 列出目前喜欢的一些美食:

(In no order of preference...)

1. 红枣酸牛奶 (Red Date Yoghurt) - 尤其是伊利或三元品牌的
2. 杏仁露 (Almond Milk Drink)
3. 杏仁糊 (Almond Paste) - 老北京小吃之一
4. 桂花糯米藕 (Sweet Lotus Root with Glutinous Rice)
5. 煎饼 (Chinese Crepe with egg and different flavoured savoury fillings)- 路边摊普遍售卖
6. 鸡蛋灌饼 (Fried Pancake with Egg Filling) - 尤其是学一食堂旁边的小摊子
7. 鸳鸯珍珠奶茶 (Yuanyang Coffee and MIlk Tea with Pearls) - 尤其是北大西南门的街口小摊子
8. 炸馒头 (Fried Muntou Buns)
9. 豆汁 (Fermented Bean Drink/Soup) - 老北京小吃之一
10. 烤羊肉串 (BBQ Skewered Mutton) - 路边摊普遍售卖
11. 炸酱面 (Fermented Bean Noodles) - 老北京小吃之一
12. 牛肉刀削面 (Handmade Beef Noodles)
13. 玉米汁 (Corn Juice)
14. 老婆饼 (Wife Biscuit) - 尤其是味多美的
15. 火锅 (Steamboat)
16. 酸甜鲤鱼 (Sweet and Sour Carp)
17. 南瓜粥 (Pumpkin Porridge)
18. 红枣糕 (Red Date Cake)
19. 黄酒配酸梅 (Yellow Wine with Sourplum)
20. 豆腐丝 (Beancurd slices)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

北京图记 (二到三月)

多亏我老公的电脑技巧,他帮我找到了关键软件, 已让我从手机传输文件到电脑。所以,这次博客的焦点就注重于照片。 这些照片代表了我在北京的一些经验,希望你们会喜欢!

Beijing Photo Diary (Feb-Mar)
Thanks to my husband's much superior computer skills, he managed to find the required software needed for the transfer of photo files from my mobile to the computer. Here's a collection of photos depicting some of my experiences in Beijing so far. Enjoy!

Tiananmen in central Beijing

A Hutong near Beijing's Qianmen area

北京的香山 Fragant Hills in Beijing

2 weeks worth of medicine for curing my bout of acute bronchitis

The blooming of flowers mark the arrival of Spring (scene taken from Peking Uni)

One of the best underground venue for rock and metal acts in Beijing.

北京的一个朝鲜餐馆 - 谣言说餐馆里的服务员都是政府派来的卧底
A North Korean restaurant in Beijing - the waitresses were all very pretty, rumours have it that the entire restaurant is a ruse and the employees are spies working for the North Korean government.

Solana - a popular nightspot area in downtown Beijing

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


以下图片不是我买的直行车,但是模型相似。 我的大型笔记本坏了,无法把拍下来的照片下宅到电脑里。我目前用的小型笔记本没有光盘驱动器,不能安装需要的软件。

In case you are really wondering what a "Granny Bike" looks like. It's not my bike, just a similar sample. I can't upload any photos for the moment as my big laptop has decided to die one me after less than one month of use. It is now back in Singapore for repairs. My current small 9-inch one is without a CD-Rom and so the required software for the uploading of my photos cannot be installed.

I'll try to sort out the photos soon...

对读者要求的反应 - Responding to my readers' requests

近期,我周边的家人与朋友都一致的请求我在博客里加入英文的评论。 原因是:他们看不懂中文,所以不知道我在写些什么。我一个好朋友就提议我用双语文写作。为了满足我的中心读者,往后的评论将会尽量用中英文来写。 嗨!

今天早上,我买了一辆直行车 (脚踏车),价格290人民币。我给它取了个名叫“婆婆直行车”。为什要用这样土的名呢?因为,我的直行车就像一般老年人骑的那种,轮胎较小、车架粗重、弯曲的车把、大大的钢篮子和最引人瞩目的高粉红色颜色。谁叫我身体娇小,一般普遍成人的直行车坐上去后脚跟无法落地,只好买一辆娇小型的。幸亏找到了这两“婆婆自行车”,不然我还得买小孩气的那种呢!第一次在北京路上骑自行车的感觉真不错。虽然北京路况有点危险,但是只要谨慎一点就行了。我的那辆“婆婆自行车”也跑不快。

The arrival of my "Granny Bike"
I bought a new bicycle today, cost me 290RMB which is about 60 Singapore Dollars. It's called "Granny Bike" becuause it looks like something grannies would ride - smaller wheels, thick frame, curved handlebar, large metal basket at the front, a small metal platform at the back to put more stuff and best of all...its bright fuschia pink colour!

I would have gotten something more sporty and cool instead of this retro piece but of course anyone who knows what I look like will find it hard to picture me being able to touch the ground with my legs on the kinds of bicycles used in the Tour de France. So and my "Granny Bike" it is.

Zipping around on the streets of Beijing today was an experience, quite a pleasant one in fact. Although I'd admit that the traffic over here is quite chaotic and random, it's not hard to learn how to handle the traffic in an assertive manner. Anyway, don't worry, my "Granny Bike" is not going to break the speed limit.

Sunday, April 12, 2009




最近中国媒体报道煤炭生产率增加,媒体与官员各分赞扬政府扩大内需政策,说政策已经开始见效。不管是煤炭供给增长或燃烧煤量曾加,两方面对自然环境的影响巨大。土地破坏、空气污染、煤矿安全失控事故等现象,都是负面性的、带有长期代价的。 为了国家的GDP增长,中国国民的非金钱与物质的生存素质会逐渐的下降。
