Saturday, April 18, 2009

北京图记 (二到三月)

多亏我老公的电脑技巧,他帮我找到了关键软件, 已让我从手机传输文件到电脑。所以,这次博客的焦点就注重于照片。 这些照片代表了我在北京的一些经验,希望你们会喜欢!

Beijing Photo Diary (Feb-Mar)
Thanks to my husband's much superior computer skills, he managed to find the required software needed for the transfer of photo files from my mobile to the computer. Here's a collection of photos depicting some of my experiences in Beijing so far. Enjoy!

Tiananmen in central Beijing

A Hutong near Beijing's Qianmen area

北京的香山 Fragant Hills in Beijing

2 weeks worth of medicine for curing my bout of acute bronchitis

The blooming of flowers mark the arrival of Spring (scene taken from Peking Uni)

One of the best underground venue for rock and metal acts in Beijing.

北京的一个朝鲜餐馆 - 谣言说餐馆里的服务员都是政府派来的卧底
A North Korean restaurant in Beijing - the waitresses were all very pretty, rumours have it that the entire restaurant is a ruse and the employees are spies working for the North Korean government.

Solana - a popular nightspot area in downtown Beijing

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